Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hi there! I guess it's my turn to say something... Steph has been telling me I have get something written for our blog, so here goes.

Of course, Steph is the one that everyone wants to hear from, right? She's the nice one ;-) . And I would like to say she's doing a good job at blogging, or at least keeping current photos up. Thanks Steph! You make this a fun place to visit, Dear. And I'm sure it means a lot to your family who aren't able to see Claire and you (and me?) as much as they would like.

But maybe, Steph, you should give a little run down of what we've been up to lately. Or perhaps I should do that just now....

(I'm not much of a blogger, so bear with me here)

Not much going on around here really, just busy with work etc. I'm, of course, running a small company and Steph is being a wonderful mom and wife. Right now Mark, my brother, is living with us, till we move into a house. As you can see from the photos Matthew, Mark's son, is over here with us sometimes. (He's a really 'cool' guy, just like his dad,, uh,, well, he's a really cool guy, usually very happy and good natured, unless he's acting like his dad -- uh, I think I need to be careful here! lol.) Steph and I are really wanting to get out of this apartment and get into a house, so we've been keeping a look out for a place to buy. We hope to move by the early part of next year, D.V. We are hoping to find a place where Claire (and Dad!) can have pets, etc.(!). That's kinda our dream, so that might have to wait a few years. But for now, it's apartment life, which means enjoy the indoors!

I really have a good excuse to end this for now... I need to take Steph to get something to eat (we'll have to wait on buying that house another month, Steph). I have some things to do this evening, so thought I would take Steph with me and get something out.

Signing off for now,