Thursday, October 11, 2007

"These are my new shoes!" Pediped. :) We got them in League City, actually. She got to try them on and walk around. She's never really tried to take them off even though she's never worn shoes (except when she was a new born...for looks :P). I'm relieved that she walks well w/ them. I was alil worried that we'd have to train her to like shoes. Anyway, these are her everyday purple ones. At some stage I'd like to get her some brown pedipeds for church.


Anonymous said...

Deeder wears Robeez.They're pretty good. I know Pediped sure are popular! Glad she likes them :)

John said...

Oh, those are those new purplish shoes you were so proud of right? They actually are pretty nice... and that's coming from someone who doesn't know anything about baby shoes!! :D

C~S said...

you embarrasse me " were so proud of right?" deary me. :$ well,i'm picky about baby shoes. i just thot they looked cute, i guess.