Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Here I am! I wrote last on the 23rd. It's now the 30th.

We had communion season. It went well. I wish I could have heard more, but Claire was quite wild during the services. Carl and I think she's going through a funny stage where she's loud (she never really cries, she's just loud!) and likes to move all the time. Especially now that she walks well, she doesn't understand why she has to sit down. I'm amazed how well Jenna does. She just sits down and it so quiet! She falls asleep just sitting in church. Wow. Claire has to be rocked, nursed, ect. She also loves to see the people coming in and points up in the air. I wonder how she's going to be when she gets older. It'll be too amazing if she's a shy type.

Papa & Nana were down. We had a good time. I'm so glad they came! I had my camra to take pics when we went to Galveston with them, but my memory card wasn't in there (which memory card? deary me!)

My parents, sister, and grandparents are coming tomorrow evening round 4:15. I can't wait! Once again, I might not be updating my blog as much. However, I'm sure I'll get around to it better than last week. I just don't think it's really appropriate to be blogging and stuff while a communion is taking place. So yah, this time, it'll be different.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deeder is the same way with noisy-ness. I'm just glad he doesn't cry, like you said Claire doesn't...that's good. I'm so happy for you to be having your fam come for a visit! I so wish mine would!!