Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kemah Boardwalk.

On Monday night Alasdair took us out to eat at the Aquarium. Mark, John and Sam went as well. Claire totally enjoyed the fish in the tanks. Hmm, I think I enjoyed it too. Once you have a kido, you become one yourself (that's me anyway!) We all had dessert as you can see. We rarely each have one to ourselves!! I guess John and Sam shared and Carl and I shared. Still, there was a lot of desserts on the table I thought. After we ate, we walked outside a little. Oh wait, Carl pushed me and Claire in her stroller. I was tired and stuffed. We had a good ol time.


Evelyn said...

I tried calling you... :( but no one would pick up the phone. :'( I didn't want you to start thinking that I never call you!

Missing you!

C~S said...

Oh don't worry!

My cell phone is lost. I have no clue where it is.Very sad indeed. Oh dear--I think I'd be pretty shy at first!! I think it would take awhile for me to "be myself"!! But yes, totally call me whenever you want!!