Thursday, November 8, 2007

My lil concoction of pears, beets, grapes & carrots. Sound gross? It's actually very lovely stuff!!
She likes it too! :D


John said...

she looks like carl there i think!
btw... beets and pears?? mixed?? lol


C~S said...

yes, beets & pears mixed. Such a smith boy question! ;) hey, how come you didn't mention carrots w/ pears? honestly, it's very good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Keep feeding her like that and you'll have one uber healthy kiddo! The carrots probably add lots of sweetness, eh?

My favorite drink from the co-op is their Green Moutain Smoothy--it's deep green colored and the list of things they use to make it sound so gross put together but boy is it ever good!!!

John said...

because beets and pears sounded weirder to me!

I don't mind beets or pears... but I think I'd rather eat them, not drink them! ;)

see ya!


C~S said...

I love you laura!

The Mom said...

I'm impressed at your juicing . .it is so true that if you feed children healthy things as treats they thing they are treats. I've had children begging for tomatoes or pepper because they think these are *the most delicious* thing in the fridge.

Train up a child. . . . we can train their habits, and healthy eating is a good habit to have.
Henrietta (who has to admit to never having tasted juiced beets, tho I love eating pickled beetroot)

C~S said...

thank you for all your comments!!

Evelyn said...

heehee, sounds like a great way to get an extra veggie in your diet!

C~S said...

yah for me and claire! carl isn't really impressed w/ my juices. :(

John said...

lol! sounds like carl. He'd try to sound impressed and take a few drinks but he'd rather have an iced coffee. ;)

C~S said...

i don't like the sound of that.