Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Here I am! I wrote last on the 23rd. It's now the 30th.

We had communion season. It went well. I wish I could have heard more, but Claire was quite wild during the services. Carl and I think she's going through a funny stage where she's loud (she never really cries, she's just loud!) and likes to move all the time. Especially now that she walks well, she doesn't understand why she has to sit down. I'm amazed how well Jenna does. She just sits down and it so quiet! She falls asleep just sitting in church. Wow. Claire has to be rocked, nursed, ect. She also loves to see the people coming in and points up in the air. I wonder how she's going to be when she gets older. It'll be too amazing if she's a shy type.

Papa & Nana were down. We had a good time. I'm so glad they came! I had my camra to take pics when we went to Galveston with them, but my memory card wasn't in there (which memory card? deary me!)

My parents, sister, and grandparents are coming tomorrow evening round 4:15. I can't wait! Once again, I might not be updating my blog as much. However, I'm sure I'll get around to it better than last week. I just don't think it's really appropriate to be blogging and stuff while a communion is taking place. So yah, this time, it'll be different.

Taken about an hour ago. :)

Eating lunch-yesterday.

I don't mind her getting into stuff (at least, not as much as Carl :p;)) I guess I feel like she doesn't have enough toys; poor thing. :) I think she'll be fine.

She's looking up at Daddy saying "no". See that look she has? She doesn't cry a lot, she just keeps her feelings inside. For example, she has a cut on her finger. Papa (grandpa) pressed his finger on it to see how it felt--you know, to make sure it wasn't infected or anything. She never cried, her lips just shivered--she kept it all inside.

Nana bought me this book. It's soo good! Basically it has pureed veggies in everything. If it's hard to get your kids to eat their veggies, you have it hidden in their desserts, cocoa, suppers and so on. So cool! You spend an hour a week pureeing veggies. Then whenever you made a recipe from the book, all you do is put in the stuff you've prepared already. For example, if you make mac n cheese (homemade, of course), you can put pureed spaghetti squash in there.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Today (beware-girly talk) :D

After Claire's nap we went shopping. Yesterday was very cold and I realised that she had nothing to wear! That's right, she has no winter clothes. The only long sleeve I had was a onesie. So today I went to all kinds of places--two consignment shops (first!), Baby Gap, Gymboree, Dillards and The Children's Place. I only got a purple church hat (you'll see it laters, I kept trying to post the photo, but things are going wrong, try again later :)), and a long sleeve corduroy dress, a jean jumper,long sleeve shirt and sleeping pants. Can you believe that's all I found?! Was sorta disappointed. I'm wanting a sweater from Old Navy. I think I'm an Old Navy lady. :) Of course, there's not a whole lot in the stores but online...woohoo!

Sorry there's only one photo--of Betta! lol :) I'm needing to go. Gotta cook supper, get sleeping Claire off my back, and get a little ready for Rev. Bruce Jardine (sp?) He's just staying here one night coz Joe and Care won't be home until late tonight.

"Betta the Fish". We still have to buy a lil tree/plant to go in there. Whenever we say "BtheF", Claire always gets so excited and starts looking for him. Then she says "Dee! Dee!"

Monday, October 22, 2007

On Friday we had a tea party for Claire's 1st birthday. Only the girls were there of course. Rachel, Leah, Mom, & me (along w/ R's kids Abby and Ben and Mark's son, Matthew). Claire had so much fun playing w/ the kids. It's soo cute to see Matt and Claire walking. For some reason it makes me want to cry (silly me, I know!) It's neat to see lil ones growing.

I'm not going to be on my blog very much this week. You'll probably see me on Wednesday (hopefully!) We have communion season going, so that's why I'll be absent. Starts on Thursday and ends on Monday. Some of my relatives-Nana & Papa- will be here from Wednesday to Monday. Then on Wednesday the 31st (Claire's real bday) Dad,Mom, Jennifer, Grandpa & Vavo are coming down-they'll be here for a few days. So yah, I'm busy! Today I've gotta work on some more meals for communion.

Hope yall enjoy the photos. I'm going to be on here through out today and *probably* tomorrow and Wednesday. Love yall!

Magazines *EVERYWHERE*---yah, that's my Claire! I've gotta keep her busy somehow!

Happy 1st Birthday, Claire! She got *so* excited to see all the other kids.

Claire looking at a few of her gifts :)

Matthew and Claire-they were probably playing the piano

Lil Mat

Thursday, October 18, 2007

mischievous claire

Yah well, this morning was wierd. I couldn't get Claire to take her nap. Finally, I let her down and she took off. I decided to check my emails and things. Every so often I would check on her (she was in the guest room). She was acting weird though. Every time I would go in to check on her, she would run away (her version of running). I just went back to my computer stuff. I went to the family room to find her. I caught her and smelled her....yes! That's what it was! She didn't want me to smell her! That lil stinker! I couldn't believe it. She had a poop diaper so she didn't want me to change her.

This has gotta be the funniest photo I've seen in a long time! I love it! I'm pretty sure she was screaming. Of course, she ended up falling. Btw, we were playing together and that's why she has pony tails all over her. She really likes them on her-duno why. :D

We're heading towards the mail box. We like to get out together after dinner to get our mail.

Here's pony tail lady again! :p

Baby Jamie and Claire. Yes, that's BJ's purse on Claire :).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

out with carl/daddy

While Claire was taking her morning nap, I did a lot of ironing (we're talking A LOT-like loads!) I love ironing, who doesn't? Ha, just kidding. It makes me thirsty. Duno why. Oh, maybe it's the heat that comes from the iron. Ah well.

Carl came home around lunch time. He told me that we're getting out. So I got ready. Oooh, I love getting out with my Carlos! We went to Masa Sushi (Japanese). Yep, it was good. After our lunch we went to Petco for a few minutes. Claire walked around and looked at the fish and birds. She was so excited! It was funny. She would scream and scream. When we got near the bird cages, it said something like "We are scarred of loud noises"--hehe! Claire comes up screaming! I think the birdies are used to it, coz they didn't seem to stir. I can't wait to go back. (I'm a kid too, you know!) We're going to buy Claire a Betta for her first birthday. What will her fish's name be? I think "Alpha". ;)

good bye people.
PS. sorry no photos just now. they'll be up soon.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Claire & Abligail looking out the window. It was such a nice morning so that's why I have the window open a lil. :)

Just a random photo of Claire & Abligail.

"These are my new shoes!" Pediped. :) We got them in League City, actually. She got to try them on and walk around. She's never really tried to take them off even though she's never worn shoes (except when she was a new born...for looks :P). I'm relieved that she walks well w/ them. I was alil worried that we'd have to train her to like shoes. Anyway, these are her everyday purple ones. At some stage I'd like to get her some brown pedipeds for church.

mothers poll

Haha! Who are all these people voting on babe shampoos?! I didn't know people actually visited our blog like this. Hmm.... Well, here is where yall can comment. Let me know what yall are thinking. I'd like to know who likes what! :D

Monday, October 8, 2007

walkin, kissin, growin......

Yay! Some photos are up! Sorry it's been awhile. I just had to find the time to go to Walgreens. Anyway...

Friday Carl, Claire, John, Sam & I went to Galveston. They went fishing and had a great time. I had a great time w/ our lil Claire. She was walking around. Loved the water even more than last time we went. She would scream when she saw the waves coming. I think it's amazing how a few weeks make such a different w/ a little one.

To see the photos of Claire w/ her doll click on "older posts". The dolls name is "Baby Jamie". Vavo sent it in the mail for Claires 1st birthday. I've learned alot about what Claire knows. Like, she kisses Baby Jamie, pats her on the head, ect. I never knew she knew about these things.

Claire is eating paper. Bye for now.

Last time we went to the beach (a few weeks ago), yall will notice that Claire was crawling; now she's walking :).

For some reason in all the photos I took of my hubby, he was never looking at the camera, just his lil fish.

There's something very cute about this photo-hehe. I don't know about yall, but don't you imagine catching something pretty big, being at the Gulf of Mexico? I duno, I just thot it was cute, here we're at the ocean and John catches a teeny tiny fish. (Laughing out loud)

Kissing her hand

She just loves "Baby Jamie" hehe :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Claire trying out her legs

I hope this lil video turns out!

Monday, October 1, 2007

We're still 'round!


Partly why I've not posted in awhile is because it's time for me to take my cam. to Walgreens and print them out. My cam. is full of pictures!! I don't want to start deleting them! Another reason: I'm busy! :)

Today I made cheddar squash soup. I plan on freezing it. Hopefully I'll have made all my meals for communion when it comes around. I've actually never made meals ahead of time. But I always find that when communion comes, I wish I had!

This morning Claire has been walking more than ever! . She can stand up for much longer. Yesterday she would grab something off the floor and stand up again. I sure hope she's walking well by her first birthday (Oct.31)! I really want to get her a pair of shoes (hehe!) I like www.pediped.com.

I hope to get some pictures up reeely soon!! I'm probably going to Walgreens this afternoon (after Claire wakes up). So keep visiting our blog!

Incase some of yall forgot or whatever, my *new* email address is: stephaniesmith1008@gmail.com